Turkey Give-Away
Today, my family and I gave away over 1,000 turkeys from our home to yours. I want to thank everyone who stopped by our home for some holiday cheer and excitement, as well as our many volunteers. Today’s event was a heart warming and festive occasion that gave us an opportunity to directly impact the community in a positive way. To see residents of the 7th ward come out and support our effort was truly gratifying. For me, the event had the feel of a family reunion. Even for those who I was meeting for the first time, the warmth, and feeling of appreciation made it seem as though I’d known them forever. The excitement generated by the volunteers was truly awe inspiring. I felt empowered and emboldened by being able to positively impact the lives of residents.
Although we were pleased to give away 1,200 turkeys, I know we don’t have enough turkeys to fulfill the needs of the 7th ward. It brings me great sadness to hear of empty stomachs from my friends and neighbors in the 7th ward. Today, we gave turkeys that will feed families for a week or so. Tomorrow, I hope we begin the change this ward needs so that we do not have anymore hungry stomachs.
~Sandi Jackson
Alderman Jackson,
Yes I say Alderman Jackson because I believe that you will be elected the next 7th ward alderman. I was at the turkey giveaway and just as you said it felt more like a family reunion than anything else. I have been an long time 7th ward resident and I raised (2) children in this ward. They are now 21 and 18 years old and I had to send them to private schools for elementary and high school. If they went to public schools boy could I use that money to pay for their high education now. Anyway I haven't been involved with the alderman in the past because Beavers has a ganster type style of aldering. His loyal customers are those he has scared into supporting him or he favored them or their families. I was such a great feeling to see you sincerely reaching out to the people of this ward. I am revised and will definenly support your run.
You can contact me anytime for additonal support and services.
Joyce Gill
Thank you for your kind words. It's truly a shame when our elected officials, who are supposed to work for us, garner support through fear and intimidation. The 7th ward is long overdue for a leader who will always remember who they serve. Please stop by the campaign office soon and say hello again.
Take care,
PS, hope the turkey turned out good!
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