With only one day left until our opportunity to pick a new voice in City Hall, it’s clear that we’re in for one heck of a fight. My opponent has been using the dirty tricks that our ward has become all too accustomed to. However, I won’t be deterred, I won’t stoop to their level, and I certainly won’t stop fighting. If these tactics have shown us one thing, it’s that we need a new direction for the 7th Ward now more than ever. In the meantime, I’m calling on all of you to one more time to keep working, keep talking to our neighbors and help me as we work to bring a change to our community. Once again, thank you for all that you’ve given me.
Sandi Jackson
Sandi Jackson
Congrats are in order, I knew you could do it !!!!!
Congratulations on the 7th Ward victory. The people needed this victory after losing the Cook County Budget Fight. The 7th Ward win is a victory for the people and the Cook County Registered Nurses. The 7th Ward Victory gives us hope for a better tomorrow. It inspires the Registered Nurses to stay on the battlefield and fight for social justice. Again Congratulations 7th Ward Alderwoman Sandi Jackson
YEAAA! I am so happy for you and Congressman Jackson. You knew what you were doing and I was privilegded to work with you. It was fun. GREAT job. Debbie and Donny
Congratulations on your election as alderwomann of the 7th ward! I'm looking forward to your ideas and plans coming to fruition for the 7th Ward. May God bless you in this important political journey!
Congratulations from the 2nd Ward and the Stroger Hospital Registerd Nurses.
I love you guys!!!
Dear Sandi
Congratulations!!! On your victory, on behalf of the residents of the 7th ward and a job well done, if I may add!
Please allow me to say, from day one you stood out from among all the other candidates as a capable leader, motivated, empathic and ready to take up a serious change effort within the 7th ward. I believe that you are the type of leader our ward has needed in the past and yet the perfect person for such a time as this! Chicago’s city council will be a better place with a leader such as you present.
I enjoyed meeting you at the Coffey shop meet and greet during the campaign. I was proud to see you create a voice for yourself at the forum held at CVS High School (you were very charismatic and out performed all of your opponents) and during the victory celebrations last knight at the South Shore Cultural Club, it was fun seeing you and Congressman make your way around the entire room. It seems like you managed to hug and kiss many of your new constituents, friends and family. Talk about showmanship… WOW!
For the record I realize that much emphasis was put on your name recognition in the media. However, your leadership skill exceeds your name and the Jackson dynasty. You are a driving force in your own right and people on a variety of levels can identify with your innate talent and ability to lead. I look forward, along with my wife; to support you towards the manifestation of your vision for the 7th ward. There is much work to be done and please feel free to call upon me today and for years to come.
Again Congratulations! This is just the beginning and perhaps one day I will have the pleasure of supporting you for Mayor of Chicago!
Peace, Be Still. Carlos
It was great to meet you at the victory party the other night. Congratulations from me, Nick, Sam and Pete!
- Jim T.
I live in the second ward's Dearborn Park II community. However, I just want you to know that I am thrilled at your victory on Tuesday evening. It was simply about time the Beavers were put in their places. What a tremendous a victory for you, your family and certainly for the the entire 7th Ward. It was an impressive win, and you are an impressive, young lady. Hopefully, I can vote for you four years from now during the mayoral election. Once again, congratulations to you, your family, and constituents of the 7th ward.
Thank you all so much!!!
Congratulations Sandi, I had a dream the night before the election that you would win. Glad to see my dream came true. I think you are just what this ward needs. A new direction, a new dream and a new voice for the people. Kudos to you and I still look forward to meeting you one day.
Dear Sandi,
It's been a while since your last post, are things begining to cool or heat up... would you be so kind as to share an update or two with your fellow bloggers?
What's been happening with you following your victory?
How is your transition between DC and the 7th ward coming along?
Are you appointing new foot captains within the ward?
Dear Mrs. Jackson:
Of course you're busy getting things in order for the move to the 7th Ward, etc.. I'm sure it is at once exciting and arduously time consuming. However I'm sure that staff and other office workers are hard at work helping putting together your agenda and I am looking forward to receiving the first news letter via email. As yet I have no news of the goings on but confident it is only temporary.
Hi Guys,
In answer to your questions, my staff and I have been working furiously to setup our nice office. We've been meeting with other Chicago officials and talking with experts from a variety of fields.
We're a little less than a month away from my swearing in and I can't wait to get to work!
Thanks for your support guys,
Congratulations on your 7th ward victory. I am truly looking and living for change. I look forward to new ideas and seeing them implemented. I believe in work and not talk, I believe that those that are on one accord for the good and the embetterment of our community needs to come together and work together with sincerity.
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